Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend in St. George

Over this last weekend, we went to St. George to spend Thanksgiving with Spencer's family. We were invited to stay at our brother-in-law's new house and it is really beautiful. Thanks to the Marshes for putting up with us! I am kind of into lists lately, so here are the top 5 things I will remember about this trip.

5. We had pancakes for 3 mornings in a row. This was mostly because I failed to bring any other breakfast food and the store is a few miles away. Luckily Jason is the master of the griddle.

4. I almost pooped my pants driving through Hurricane. Are there no gas stations in this town? Yes, that's a little gross to mention, but I believe in full disclosure. By the way, I did not poop my pants. Just so you know.

3. Waiting in line at In-N-Out. It was a long line, went quicker than I thought, and was totally worth it. Yum!

2. Watching the 2nd half of Hancock and falling asleep during Iron Man in the Marshes really dark basement bedroom that has a king bed. I did not see a full movie while on vacation but I really have not had better sleep in a long time.

1. While at the live nativity at Tuacahn my 3-year-old niece and my 5-year-old nephew argued loudly over whether Mary was on a horse or a donkey. "It's a HORSE!" "No, it's a DONKEY!" I know it probably stressed their parents out, but it was really hilarious.


rachael said...

Where are the photos????